Our Company is involved in the process of production of sugar, with a total capacity crushing capacity of 2,500 tonnes per day. Sugarcane being a seasonal crop, the sugar manufacturing majorly takes place during the sugarcane period of November to March known as Crushing Season. We use modern technology which enables us to optimally utilize the available resources to ensure maximum crushing capacity and thereby maximize the production of sugar. We have a total licensed sugarcane crushing capacity of 2,500 TCD and installed sugarcane crushing capacity of 2,500 TCD. The sugar produced by us is differentiated on the basis of the size of the sugar crystals. These types are termed as M30, SS30 and S30 which are in descending order of the size of the crystals. Since the de-regularization of Sugar, our Company has developed a robust and long term relationship with brokers and export oriented commodity traders who have liaisons with various major brands. Through our brokers, we have sold our sugar produce to major brands such as PepsiCo Holdings India Private Limited, Parle Biscuits Private Limited and Britannia Industries Limited; among others, who use sugar for manufacture of various biscuits, confectionery and beverages.

Bagasse: Bagasse is the fibrous residual material that is left after juice has been extracted from sugarcane. The bio-fuel is used for the boilers which generates steam. This high pressure steam is blown through the turbines which and is responsible for rotation of turbines. The rotation of turbines generates electricity. Out of the total bagasse produced as a result of the cane crushing process, we use ~85% in the electricity generation process and the balance is sold to local traders.
Press Mud: Pressmud is used as manure in sugarcane fields to increase the fertility of the soil and ensure improved yields. Press mud is produced from the residue which comes out from the factory after the filtration of sugarcane juice. The clarification process separates the juice into a clear juice that rises to the top and goes for manufacture, and a mud that collects at the bottom. However Press Mud is also sold to farmers who use it as organic fertilizers, etc.
Molasses: Molasses is used in the manufacturing of ethanol and sprit. Molasses is produced from the residue which comes out from the factory after the centrifugation of massecuite. We sell this to domestic ethanol manufacturers.